Gastric Balloon – Complete Patient’s Guide – Bariatric Surgery

Gastric Balloon Surgery – Complete Patient’s Guide – Bariatric Surgery. In this video you will learn more about bariatris surgery. With this gastric baloon surgery guide you will know you options of weight loss surgery as well as best bariatric surgerons and procedure.

Have you looked in the mirror and wondered to yourself, “How did I get this way?” when referring to your rapid weight gain? That question is one that has been asked by millions of people around the world and the truth always comes down to one answer and that is…..because you ate too much. Sure, there are a number of reasons why a person gains weight, whether it is emotional over-eating or boredom, or a number of other reasons, but it all comes down to the need to do something about it and that can many times be found with a procedure called gastric banding surgery. This procedure is not as complex as a Bariatric bypass surgery as it can easily be removed with a simple procedure, but this surgery may very well be the thing that helps you to kick your eating habit and to start on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

To see if you qualify for the band surgery, you will have a number of tests run on you. Your BMI (body mass index) must put you in the morbidly obese category in order for you to receive this surgery. This can be quite frustrating to some individuals who are on the cusp of this category but not quite there. The answer, however, certainly is NOT to gain a massive amount of weight in order to qualify! The way that this surgery works is that a small pouch is created in your stomach by placing a band or belt around your stomach so only a small amount of food can make it into your stomach at one time. The band comes equipped with a balloon that inflates and gives your stomach a feeling of being full, when in reality, your stomach is hardly holding any food whatsoever.

If you feel that gastric banding surgery is a good option for you, meet with a surgeon or weight loss expert to discuss all of the risks involved both before, during and after the procedure is done. Sometimes getting a little extra help in the weight department can give you all the incentive you need to make a fresh start with your life.

For more information, please contact us!



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