Medical Tourism in Costa Rica

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Why Choose Medical Tourism in Costa Rica

Medical Tourism in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s main source of income is tourism, so this tiny country knows how to lay out the red carpet and show international visitors a great time. Costa Rica has rightfully earned a reputation as one of the best tourist destinations in the world for excellent care and facilities in the fields of plastic and cosmetic surgery, dental implants and dentistry. Medical travelers to Costa Rica may enjoy as much as a 75% savings on surgical procedures over prices generally charged in the United States.

Medical Tourism in Costa Rica also offers facilities, physicians and surgeons who specialize in bariatric surgery, reconstructive surgery and addiction therapies. Visitors can take care of business and then enjoy a tropical vacation during recuperation in one of the many high-class facilities that Costa Rica has to offer.

A visit to Costa Rica will literally take your breath away. Contact us now for more information!




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