Testimonial Of A Patient After Successful Laparoscopic Hernia Treatment In Coahuila, Mexico

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Video About Testimonial Of A Patient the morning after Successful Laparoscopic Treatment In Coahuila, Mexico Cindy from Alberta, Canada was under a lot of pain for the last 6 months and realised that was unbearable. Her husband googled a treatment for hernia and found Dr. Gabriel Rosales. Dr. Rosales contacted Cindy and her husband shortly after they contacted Placidway. He put their mind at ease and cleared things about the reputation that Cindy thought Mexico had in terms of sanitary and cleanliness, which Cindy could actually see when she went to the hospital. One of the things that helped her make this decision and travel all that way to Mexico to have her Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery was the fact that Dr. Rosales gave her the time to ask any questions that she had in mind, questions that were not answered by her previous surgeon. When she went to Mexico, Cindy found a clean hospital, nice and friendly staff and sharp doctors. For More Info:

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