Stem Cell Therapy Treatment and Procedure for ALS

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment and Procedure for ALS. A closer look at how stem cells are blazing the way for future medicine. Learn how these tiny cells can help millions of people world wide. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – also known as Charkot’s disease, Charkot’s sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a rapidly progressive neurological illness (motor neuron disease) that is attacking the nerve cells which control voluntary muscles. Contact us directly: Email: Phone: +1.303.500.3821 Website: Also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS it is a gradually worsening condition that is always fatal. That is not to say it is a disease without hope. Promising research using stem cells is now being tested and getting good results in curing ALS. The disease affects either the lower motor neurons, upper motor neurons or both. Please note motor neurone disease stem cell treatment is not suitable for all patients. Rarly signs of motor neurone disease need to be treated immediately to prevent rapid decline. Stem cell treatments for motor neuron disease, ALS is a rapidly progressive disease that will affects the brain and spinal cord. The disease affects patients from all places in the world, all genders and age groups can be affected. It is estimated to kill over five hundred people each day about 30% of patients who are diagnosed will not survive within the first year and roughly 50% of patients will die within 2 years of initial diagnosis. The treatment for ALS requires growing and enhancing stem cells harvested from cord blood or placenta/amniotic membrane derived cells. The enriched cells look to replace the damaged neural cells and also to secrete nerve-growth factors to protect existing motor neurons in the brain, help to promote new motor neuron growth and reestablish damaged pathways of nerve-muscle interaction. Follow us: Youtube: Pinterest: Google+: LinkedIn: Helpful tags: regenerative medicine,stem cells,ALS,Lou Gehrig’s Disease,stem cell treatment for ALS disease,stem cell treatment,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cure therapy,Gene Therapy,Stem Cell,Factor H,placidway medical tourism, Treatment,ALS Cure,ALS Treatment Stem Cell,ALS Treatment Gene Therapy

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