Stem Cell Therapy of Las Vegas and Med Spa

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Stem Cell Therapy of Las Vegas and Med Spa is a stem cell treatment medical center in Las Vegas, Nevada which strives to use the latest available technologies in stem cell treatment to provide the best possible care for its patients. Led by Dr. Lambert R. Abeyatunge, MD, FACS who has been in practice for 20 solid years with different international affiliations, the clinic specializes and has been offering autologous and homologous therapy for almost 3 years now.

We were given the privilege to do an interview with Dr. Lambert and have him share to us his passion of increasing awareness on how his treatments can help people in the US find cost effective and personalized care.


Would you like learn more about Stem Cell Therapy of Las Vegas and Med Spa and get a free phone consultation with Dr. Lambert Abeyatunge? Please contact us and we’d be happy to assist.

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