Sex Change Surgery Male to Female – Gender Reassignment Surgery in Bangkok Thailand

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In this video we will explain you options for having gender reassignment surgery in Bangkok Thailand. If you are planning to travel abroad to have male to female sex change surgery than you might consider traveling to Thailand to have this life-changing operation.

Converting male anatomy to female anatomy requires removing the penis, reshaping genital tissue to appear more female and constructing a vagina.

An incision is made into the scrotum, and the flap of skin is pulled back. The testes are removed.

A shorter urethra is cut. The penis is removed, and the excess skin is used to create the labia and vagina.

People who have male-to-female gender-reassignment surgery retain a prostate. Following surgery, estrogen (a female hormone) will stimulate breast development, widen the hips, inhibit the growth of facial hair and slightly increase voice pitch.

For more information about male to female sex change surgery , please contact us. It’s free!

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