ReeLabs – Leading Stem Cell Banking and Therapy in India

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Leading Stem Cell Banking and Therapy in India. Stem Cell Bank in India is leading company for controlling disorders like Diabetics, Osteoarthritis, Chromic Renal failure, Cerebral Palsy, Autism etc. Transcript: PlacidWay, your Global Medical Tourism! Welcome to ReeLabs, Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai, India. Why ReeLabs? International standards, Good laboratory practices, Good manufacturing practices, American Association of Blood Banks. These are the highest possible accreditations for Cord Blood Banks and Stem Cells Centers. The facility with host the finest equipment and facilities for: Processing -Class 10,000 clean room environments, Sepax, Cooling Centrifuge. Storage- Vapor Phase cryo-storage vessels to house over a million samples equipped with alarm systems in liquid nitrogen backup systems. Quality Analysis- Flow, Cytometer, Polymerase Chain Reaction Laboratory. PCR Lab and HLA technologies that very few stem cell facilities across the globe can boast. Logistics and Operations support delivery of a sample to the central processing facility within the first six hours of collection. Our treatments: Cardiovascular Disorders, Liver Disorders, Bone Disorders, Neuro-muscular Disorders, Kidney Disorders, Lung Disease (COPD), Diabetes, Anti Aging, Cancer,Hair Loss,Scars,Skin Aging,Vitilligo, Erectile Dysfuncions, Umbilical Cord Banking and Transplatation, Cord Banking, Stem Cell, Banking – Amniotic Fluid/ Amniotic Sac, Menstrual Fluid Stem Cell Banking, Adiopose Tissue Stem Cell Banking, Bone Marrao Stem Cell Banking PlacidWay – If you want to know more – Contact Us … Youtube: Pinterest: Google+: LinkedIn: Or contact us directly: Email: Phone: +1 303 500 3821 Website: Helpful tags: stem cell banking cost,stem cell banking india,stem cell banking companies,stem cell banking benefits,stem cell banking and therapy

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