How to Identify Skin Cancer – Skin Cancer Risk Factors

How to Identify Skin Cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world.

Over 2 million cases of this disease are diagnosed each year and if not detected early it can lead to surgery and even death. Every year between 40 and 50% of all cancer cases are diagnosed as skin cancer. There are two main types; malignant melanoma and non-melanoma.

The most common types of non-melanoma cancer are Basal cell carcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma, and approximately 79% of Malignant Melanoma cases relate to deaths.

These cancers account for only 4% of all skin cancer cases but are by far the most dangerous. Melanoma is more likely than non-melanoma to spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body. It is estimated that over 12 thousand people with some type of skin cancer will die this year.

It can be considered as the most resilient organ in the human body. It covers the internal organs and bones and protects them from injury and germs, and prevents the loss of too much fluid. The skin is vital in the control of body temperature and it gets rid of some wastes through perspiration. Certain cells in the skin communicate with the brain to allow temperature, touch, and pain sensations.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common form of skin cancer, but is classified as non-melanoma types of cancer. Approximately 90% of the non-melanoma types of skin cancers have been linked to exposure to UV radiation from the sun.

Melanoma is perhaps the most well-known, and is also one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer. Melanoma is best treated when diagnosed early. Melanoma forms when cancerous skin cells develop and proliferate in skin cells, often caused by UV rays or tanning beds. These genetically defective cells multiply rapidly and can form malignant tumors.

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