How Affordable Are Fertility Treatments Abroad?

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Fertility treatments are sought out by those couples who have a problem with conceiving a baby on their own. With the increasing fertility problems for people all around the world, more and more couples are deciding to try one of the many options available for assisted conception and for increasing fertility in both males and females. However, the couples opting for these treatments can face problems in their countries, either because the treatments are too expensive or some types of treatments being banned or inaccessible to them. Because of this, a lot of couples choose to look elsewhere for their treatment.

When deciding to travel, most couples are worried how much they will have to pay for the trip, the treatment, and the stay. While the price should not be the decisive factor (the quality of the treatment should), we understand that it can sometimes be very important, which is why we will do a comparison of prices around the world. But first, let’s see what fertility treatments are all about.

What is the Cost Around the World?

Since fertility treatments are rarely covered by insurance, the couples in need of fertility assistance often travel to other countries. When preparing they encounter wildly different prices all across the globe. Fertility treatment prices depend on many factors, which is why no singular price can be established across the world. The primary problem here is that most fertility treatments are personalized and differ from one situation to another. Another problem is that some require medication, while others do not. Add to that the overhead costs in each country, the difference in the doctors’ salaries, rents, etc. and you get prices which range from $100 for sperm freezing in Mexico, to $71,350 for surrogacy in Cyprus.


If you wish to find out more about various fertility treatment doctors, clinics, packages and prices, you can always contact us! We are also available for providing you with free quotes for your medical needs!

Contact Placidway For More Information

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