Hip Replacement Surgery in India – PlacidWay video

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Hip Replacement Surgery in India. In this video you will learn more about Hip Replacement Surgery in India, the cost, the top centers and the benefits you can get. Suffering from persistent pain and no relief from medication? Trouble in walking and difficulty in standing upright from a sitting position? You may need to see your orthopedic surgeon to check if you are qualified for Hip replacement surgery. For more information you may ask for a FREE Quote at PlacidWay.com, Contact us and Don’t FORGET to SUBSCRIBE on our Youtube Channel! Contact us directly: Email: info@placidway.com Phone: +1 303 500 3821 Website: Hip replacement, also referred to as total hip replacement, hip arthroplasty or hip hemiarthroplasty, hip replacement is a common yet a major surgical procedure in which an orthopaedic surgeon replaces the painful hip joint with an artificial hip joint. While performing this orthopaedic operation, the surgeon removes the damaged head of the thighbone (femur) and replaces the hip’s ball-and-socket mechanism with artificial implants. The surgery significantly relieves the pain and improves a patient’s mobility and his/her ability to perform daily activities. Follow us: Youtube: Pinterest: Google+: LinkedIn: Helpful tags: hip replacement surgery cost,hip replacement in india,hip replacement video,hip replacement at old age, hip replacement operation, total hip replacement,replacement before and after,hip replacement ball and socket,medical tourism,hip replacement causes

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