HIFU Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer at BPIH in Beijing, China
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HIFU Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer at BPIH in Beijing, China
Patient Chen is a 65 years old lady who was suffering from stomach pain for more than 4 months, with significant weight loss and pancreas mass was noted for 1 month, then went to see the doctor. The patient was treated with HIFU under sedation and analgesia for 90 minutes, irradiation for 399 seconds, average power of 283W, total energy of 113000 joules, and the patient has no special discomfort during the whole treatment process. Two hours after surgery, she could walk back home independently.
The patient and her family are so happy to have a rebirth and will be more positive to live a better life.
For more information about the procedure, please contact us!
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Email: info@placidway.com
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