Do you suffer from macular degeneration?

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Do you need a brighter light when doing close work or reading? Was there a time when you had difficulty recognizing a friend’s face? Was there any change in the way you see the brightness of colors? Or are you having a hard time identifying colors? If YES, you might be experiencing the signs and symptoms of macular degeneration. Two forms of age-related macular generation are diagnosed today: atrophic, or dry, and neovascular, or exudative, or wet macular degeneration. Atopic macular degeneration causes the macula to thin as the production of cells decreases. Neovascular macular degeneration is caused by the development of abnormal blood vessels in layers of tissues found under the macula. These tissues leak led or other fluids under the retina and tell scar tissue develops. The symptoms of macular degeneration may take years to develop to the point where vision is moderately affected. In many cases, central vision slowly decreases and worsens over time, although the condition doesn’t cause pain. If you want to know more the signs and symptoms of macular degeneration, you may visit: Email: Phone: +1.303.500.3821

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