Sewum Prosthetic Urology Center of Excellence founded by the renowned urology surgeon Dr. Sung Hun, is located right at the center of Gangnam, also known as the Beverly Hills of Seoul, South Korea. The facility is composed of out-patient office, 2 OR rooms, sterilizing room and several recovery rooms. Best Urological Surgery Center in South Korea. Our out-patient office excels with its luxury interior, equipped with high-end diagnostic devices like 3D doppler Ultra sono, Bio-thesiometer and Urodynamic devices. It also offers individual waiting room to protect patient’s privacy.

Best Urological Surgery Center in South Korea have 2 separate OR rooms. The main room is exclusively for urology prosthetic surgery. For its sterilization, we apply 24 hrs UV ray. We have full spectrum of urologic prosthetic devices even better than tertiary referral centers. Actually, many penile prosthesis patients who are declined surgery by other centers because of their complexity come to our institute to be treated. We have almost every single instrument for penile prosthesis to prepare so called “in a case” situation. The clinic also provides full concierge service including lodging, all-round transportation with clinic’s brand new Porsche Cayenne and personal care.

If you need more information about the treatments and procedures offered by SewumProsthetic Urology Center of Excellence, do not hesitate to contact us!



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