Who are the best doctors for gastric bypass in Mexico?- PlacidAnswers

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Gastric bypass is a form of bariatric surgery used in treating morbid obesity and related illnesses. The procedure consists of splitting the stomach into two pouches (an upper, smaller one and a lower, bigger one) and rearranging the small intestine in such a manner that it connects to both. The idea is to reduce the functional volume of the stomach, and thus alter the physiological and physical response to food.

In this PlacidWay video, your question about the best doctors for gastric bypass in Mexico will be answered:

00:11 – What is Gastric Bypass?
00:20 – How common is Gastric Bypass?
00:29 – Which associations gastric bypass specialists shoud be a part of?
00:44 – Who are the best doctors for gastric bypass in Mexico?
01:03 – What question to ask a gastric bypass surgeon?



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