Epilepsy Treatment – Stem Cell Therapy for Epilepsy

In this video

Epilepsy is functionally characterized by the abnormal recurrent excessive electric discharge of cerebral origin, and clinically characterized by loss of excess of motor, sensory or autonomic functions with or without alteration in consciousness. In this video you will learn how to treat epilepsy with stem cell therapy and advances in neurological Stem Cell Therapeutics.

Over 80 nations have conducted studies and experiments in this field, which
has led to positive results expressing hope for extremely effective therapies for improving brain function not only with individuals diagnosed with epilepsy, but those diagnosed with Parkinson’s
and Alzheimer’s disease as well.Scientists and researchers are focusing on neurogenesis, or the production and proliferation of
new and healthy neural cells in the brain and central nervous system to help alleviate symptoms of epilepsy in millions of individuals around the world.

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